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Configuring settings on WooCommerce
Updated this week

This guide provides an overview of additional settings within the WooCommerce plugin to help you effectively use our features.

If you require assistance with these settings, please grant us admin access to your WooCommerce store, and we'll assist with the installation. Follow these steps to create a staff account for

  1. From your WordPress admin, go to Users > Add New.

  2. Enter the following information:

  3. Click "Add User."

1. Updating widgets with cache plugins can integrate with various cache plugins that automatically clear the cache when new reviews are added. We currently support the following cache plugins: WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, Autoptimize, Cache Enabler, Breeze Cache, WP Fastest Cache, and SG Optimizer

If your cache plugin is not on this list, please manually clear the cache daily to ensure the widgets update correctly. It's important to note that widgets only support specific emojis. If your reviews contain other emojis, consider removing them to enable the widgets to update without issues.

For further assistance with specific plugins and potential widget update issues, please refer to our detailed solutions.

2. Synchronizing WooCommerce products with

While WooCommerce products should automatically synchronize with, there might be rare instances where manual synchronization is required.

To manually synchronize your WooCommerce Products with

  • Go to "Advanced."

  • Click the "Synchronize Products" button.

  • Wait a few minutes and verify if the products have successfully synced.

If you need to synchronize products again, click the "Reset Synchronize Products Status" button. This synchronization process is particularly important when using Product groups or store groups for sharing reviews across products or multiple stores.

For in-depth instructions on how to synchronize your products correctly, refer to our detailed guide.

3. Exporting native WooCommerce reviews

Our review export feature in WooCommerce allows you to export your native WooCommerce product reviews. We use an internal product ID to match exported reviews with your store's products, eliminating the need for SKUs.

To export your WooCommerce product reviews:

  • Access the plugin.

  • Choose the "Advanced" tab.

  • Click the "Export WooCommerce reviews" option.

  • Select "Export to CSV."

4. Scheduling review requests

Review requests are automatically scheduled when your WooCommerce order status is marked as "Completed." For more information on WooCommerce order statuses and how they relate to review requests, consult our documentation.

5. Removing duplicated AggregateRating in WooCommerce

To address duplicated AggregateRating in WooCommerce, please follow the instructions provided in our article on Troubleshooting for SEO Rich Snippets.

These settings and instructions should help you optimize your use of on WooCommerce. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to reach out for assistance.

If you need help configuring settings on WooCommerce, contact our team at [email protected]. We're available to help 24/7!

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