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Getting started with on WooCommerce
Updated yesterday is a versatile review platform compatible with various e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Squarespace.

In this comprehensive guide, we will lead you through the installation and setup process of our plugin specifically tailored for your WooCommerce store.


Before embarking on this journey, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

  • You must have a functional domain accessible from the Internet. Localhost configurations won't suffice, and your domain must not be password-protected.

  • Your domain should either be a root domain (e.g., or a subdomain (e.g.,, but not a subdirectory like (

  • Confirm that your WordPress installation publishes REST API via the path /wp-json.

Installing the plugin and widgets

Step 1: Install the product reviews plugin

  • Access your WordPress admin panel.

  • Go to the 'Plugins' section and select 'Add New.'

  • Search for "" and proceed to click 'Install Now.'

  • Once the installation is complete, activate the plugin.

  • You will now find the plugin in the left sidebar, granting you access to your settings and reviews.

Step 2: Install widgets

Upon installing, the Star Ratings and Review Widget are automatically integrated into WooCommerce's default product pages and collection pages.

Please note that these widgets are installed based on visual hooks, which may vary depending on your theme. If you wish to adjust the widget positions:

  • You can opt to manually install the widgets using shortcodes.

  • Alternatively, you can install the widgets using visual hooks, which is an advanced option.

Step 3: Access settings

  • Within your WordPress admin panel, proceed to the plugin section.

  • Click on "Get started! Open now."

  • If, after clicking the button, you are redirected to a login screen, please don't hesitate to contact us via chat or send an email to [email protected]. We will provide the necessary assistance to resolve the issue.

Step 4: Import reviews from WooCommerce (Optional)

Should you have reviews previously collected through WooCommerce's built-in review system, you have the option to import them into by following these steps:

  • Within your WordPress admin, access the plugin.

  • Go to the 'Advanced' tab and select 'Export to CSV.'

  • Once you've got the CSV file, click on "Get started! Open now," then go to 'Import/Export' > 'Import reviews' > 'From Review Apps.'

  • Choose 'WooCommerce' and upload the CSV file received earlier.

  • Subsequently, you can disable the native WooCommerce built-in review system within your WordPress admin by visiting 'WooCommerce' > 'Settings' > 'Products.'

With these steps, you'll be well on your way to harnessing the power of for your WooCommerce store's review management needs.

If you need help with on WooCommerce, contact our team at [email protected]. We're available to help 24/7!

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