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Common questions in Google Shopping review process
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Navigating the Google Shopping review process involves addressing several key aspects to ensure a good experience for both merchants and users.

This guide sheds light on common topics that Google often discusses during manual feed reviews. From pre-selected ratings to distinguishing verified buyers, this resource equips you with insights to tackle queries and streamline your review management strategy.

Let's delve into these topics and uncover effective solutions to enhance your Google Shopping journey.

1. Why is the 5-star rating pre-selected in the review form?

In their correspondence, Google commonly expresses the following sentiment:

"When writing a review for a product, 5 stars are already marked. So, the rating is already set to 5 stars, even before a consumer writes a review. It is our best practice to not preset the ratings on a website."

For those facing this situation, the solution lies in turning off the 5-star pre-selection in the review form. To achieve this, go to your settings and find the path: Widgets >

Review Widget > Formatting > Review rating preset value. This adjustment provides a more user-centric and authentic review experience.

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To achieve this, go to your settings and find the path: Settings > Review Widget > Widget Form > Widget Form Preset Rating. This adjustment provides a more user-centric and authentic review experience.

2. How do you differentiate between verified and non-verified buyers?

When addressing the distinction between verified and non-verified buyers in reviews, Google seeks to understand your process for ensuring review authenticity. Typically, Google will ask:

"I notice that reviews can be submitted by anyone on your website. Could you please elaborate on how you distinguish between reviewers who have made verified purchases and those who have not?"

This inquiry aligns with Google's Product Ratings program policies, which emphasize the submission of reviews that have been genuinely solicited from customers with confirmed purchases. To uphold these standards, you might consider implementing measures to limit non-buyers' ability to leave reviews.

One effective approach is to activate the web reviews restriction feature located in Collect Reviews > Moderation > Web reviews . This ensures that only individuals who have made purchases can contribute reviews, enhancing the credibility and value of the feedback received.

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One effective approach is to activate the web reviews restriction feature located in Settings > Review Widget > Review Moderation > Web Reviews.

3. Why does your feed lack negative reviews?

Google does not approve review feeds composed solely of 4-star and 5-star reviews. Although it might seem inequitable, this rule is in place. Kindly contemplate featuring negative reviews within your feed, or communicate with Google if you haven't accumulated any such reviews yet.

4. Why is the latest review in the feed too old?

Maintain the currency of your reviews feed to provide accurate information to your users. When submitting the feed in a specific month, such as October, ensure that it encompasses reviews from that month or even late September. This practice guarantees that your reviews are current and relevant to your users' experiences.

5. What is the issue with unsupported reviewer names?

When interacting with a Google Shopping agent, you might encounter the following message:

"The submission of unsupported names in <reviewers><name> has been noticed. Unsupported name values encompass full names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information."

It's essential to be aware that Google doesn't approve of reviews bearing full names, email addresses, phone numbers, or other personal information as the reviewer's name.

To address this, you can modify the display of reviewer names in the review feed. Go to

6. Why are some product URLs marked as invalid?

Certain product URLs within the review feed may lead to inaccessibility, displaying a 404 Page Not Found error.

This occurrence is often attributed to reviews associated with products outside of your store's inventory. To resolve this, you can exclude these reviews from the feed by enabling a specific setting. Go to Marketing and Social > More > Google Shopping > Advanced settings to mitigate this issue effectively.

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7. What's the problem with invalid review URLs?

Some reviews within the dashboard may be labeled with <is_spam>true</is_spam>, yet they persist in the review feed. Consequently, the review URLs for these particular reviews become inaccessible as they do not display on your live store.

To prevent these reviews from appearing in the review feed entirely, we recommend archiving them through the Reviews dashboard. Archiving ensures that these reviews are excluded from the reviews feed, maintaining the quality and relevance of the displayed content.

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If you need help with Google Shopping review process, contact our team at [email protected]. We're available to help 24/7!

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