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Pinning reviews
Updated over a week ago

Pinning a review (or multiple reviews) is a handy way to ensure that your top-rated reviews always appear at the top, giving your customers the best insights right away.

Steps to pin a review

To pin a review:

  • From your admin, go to Manage Reviews > Reviews Dashboard.

  • Choose the reviews you'd like to pin, and click the Pin icon.

  • You can pin up to five reviews for each product.

For other platforms

To pin a review:

  1. Visit your admin, then head to Reviews > Reviews Dashboard.

  2. Choose the reviews you'd like to pin, and click the Pin icon.

  3. You can pin up to five reviews for each product.


Upgrade to Widget 3.0

If you're currently using the older version of the Review Widget, you can upgrade to version 3.0 for free by following these steps:

  1. In your admin, go to General Settings > Account > Installation.

  2. Simply click Upgrade to Widgets 3.0.

For other platforms

  1. In your admin panel, go to Settings > Advanced > Advanced Settings > Widget Version.

  2. Simply click Upgrade to Widgets 3.0.

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