To re-use your existing Q&A content after setting up the Q&A widgets, follow these steps using our CSV template:
Step 1: Create the CSV file
Open Q&A template.
Click Make a copy
Step 2: Add questions and answers
Here's what each column in the file means:
question_id | optional | the unique ID of each question
question_content | required | the content of the question |
moderated | optional |
source | optional | source of the question |
asker_email | optional | email of the person who asked the question |
asker_name | optional | name of the person who asked the question. If not provided, we will use "anonymous". |
product_id | either is required | You just need to fill in either the product_id or product_handle. |
question_date | optional | the date the question is created (dd/mm/yyyy). If not provided, the current date will be used. |
answer_id | optional | the unique ID of each answer |
answer_content | optional | the content of the answer. If not provided, the question will be created without answers. |
answerer_email | semi-optional | email of the person who answered the question. Need to be provided together with the answerer_name. If not, the shop name and email will be used instead. |
answerer_name | semi-optional | name of the person who answered the question. Need to be provided together with the answerer_email. If not, the shop name and email will be used instead. |
answer_date | optional | the date the answer is created (dd/mm/yyyy). If not provided, the current date will be used. |
Step 3: Upload the file to
Once you've filled in the questions and answers, go to File > Download > Comma Separated Value (.csv) to download the file.
Then to upload the file go to Reviews > Manage Reviews > Import & Export > Questions and answers > Import.
Click Add files and attach your CSV file, then click Import.
Step 4: Check the results
We will process the file in the background and email you the number of questions and answers imported, any failures, and the reasons behind the failures.
You can review the imported questions and answers by going to Manage Reviews > Questions & Answers.