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UGC Media Grid
Updated over a week ago

User-generated content (UGC) has become more popular than ever. It’s authentic and allows for more interaction between people and businesses.

With UGC Media Grid, you can easily take your favorite user-generated content from Instagram and pull it into a customizable widget in your store.

Before you begin

  • UGC Media Grid is currently available on Shopify and WooCommerce only.

  • Your Instagram account needs to be a business (professional) account and is linked to a Facebook page.

Steps to add UGC Media Grid

Step 1: Connect your Instagram account

  • From your admin, go to Marketing and Social > UGC.

  • Click Log in.

For other platforms

From your admin:

  • Go to Settings > Other Widgets > UGC Media Grid > UGC Media Grid Installation.

  • Click Log in.

  • Select the Instagram Business account and the Facebook page (optional) you want to use with

  • Grant us all necessary permissions (3 for Instagram).

  • Click Done.

  • When you're connected, click Use this account.

Step 2: Publish your posts

From your admin:

  • Go to Manage Reviews > UGC Media Grid.

  • Choose the post you like and click Publish.

  • You can also add Shopify products to add a Buy Now button in the UGC posts.

How Instagram posts are fetched

  • We will fetch a maximum of 100 most recent photos, videos, and reels that you are tagged in Instagram (including your own tagged posts). This will be updated once every day.

  • In case you want to fetch newer posts, click re-fetch.

  • You can search for posts using hashtags. When you've found the relevant Instagram post, click Save post.

Step 3: Install UGC widget

  • For Shopify users, you can follow this instruction to install the UGC widget using app blocks.

  • For WooCommerce users, you can use this shortcode [jgm-ugc-media-grid] to install the UGC widget.

Step 4: Customize your UGC widget

From your admin:

  • Go to Settings > Other Widgets > UGC Media Grid > Customize Widget.

  • Customize the widget how you want it.

  • Click Save settings.

Button types:

  • Primary button: "Buy now" button linked to your product page.

  • Secondary button: "Load more" button if there are more than 6 posts.

  • Reviews button: You can link this to the product page or the Platform listing.

Example of "Buy now" and Reviews button:

If you need help with UGC Media Grid, contact our team at [email protected]. We're available to help 24/7!

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