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Verified Reviews Counter
Updated over a week ago

Available for stores with more than 20 verified reviews

The Verified Reviews Counter shows the total number of verified published reviews you received and can also be linked to your Reviews Page.

Install the Verified Reviews Counter


For Online Store 2.0 themes, you can install the Verified Reviews Counter using app blocks.

For vintage themes, you can install the Verified Reviews Counter by this instruction.


You can use this shortcode: [jgm-verified-badge]


Add this in Templates > Components > Common > footer.html:

<div class='jdgm-verified-badge-wrapper'></div>



The Verified count badge is not available on Squarespace yet.

Customize the Verified Reviews Counter

To customize the Verified Reviews Counter, go to Widgets > Verified Reviews Counter> Manage. Here you can:

  • Switch between the branded and vintage version

  • Choose brand color or your own color

  • Redirect the badge to the Reviews Page

  • Show "Verified by" banner on the modal if your stores satisfy the requirements (have at least 10 verified reviews and a transparency score of at least 80%). When this option is enabled, you can choose to display it vertically or horizontally to the verified badge.

For other platforms

In your admin, go to Settings > Other Widgets > Verified Reviews Count Badge > scroll down to Look and Feel section.

If you need help with Verified Reviews Counter, contact our team at [email protected]. We're available to help 24/7!

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