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Displaying product reviews in Frequently-Bought Together
Updated over a week ago

Our PRO Frequently Bought Together feature combines product suggestions and reviews to boost your store's sales. It integrates with, allowing you to enhance your product bundles with star ratings and review counts.

Here is how to enable the integration:

Step 1: Install PRO Frequently Bought Together and

Step 2: Configure API

  • From admin, go to General Settings > Integrations > Developers > API

  • Copy the Public Token provided.

For other platforms

  • In the admin dashboard, go to Settings > Integrations > Developers > API.

  • Copy the Public Token provided.

Step 3: Customize visual preferences

  • Within the PRO Frequently Bought Together admin panel, select Visual preferences > Edit.

Step 4: Enable reviews

  • Activate the review feature and paste the Public Token.

  • Save your settings.

Take a look at how your product bundles with review stars will appear in your store:

With this integration, you can provide your customers with valuable insights from reviews, ultimately driving sales and enhancing the shopping experience.

If you need help displaying product reviews in Frequently-Bought Together, contact our team at [email protected]. We're available to help 24/7!

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